Elections and Constitution

Article 1 

The name of the association will be La Randonnee Rurale.

Article 2 

The object of the association will be to organise country walks and other social activities.

Article 3 

The organisation’s address will be 1999, Route de St Angel, 81630 Salvagnac, Tarn. It will be able to change it by a simple decision of the committee or by decision at the annual general meeting. The decision will be ratified at the AGM. 

Article 4 

The organisation is not time limited.

Article 5 

The organisation will consist of any number of active members.

Article 6 

New members will be agreed by the committee at each of their meetings.

Article 7 

The founder members are those who have prepared and agreed the organisation’s constitution (please see Committee)

Members will be those who pay the entrance fee, fixed each year at the AGM and the annual membership agreed each year at the AGM

Article 8 

Membership would cease on resignation, expulsion, or death. Resignations will be ratified by the committee after receiving a letter explaining why from the resigning member.

Expulsion will be pronounced by the committee for non payment of the annual fee or for serious breaking of the organisations rules. The individual involved will be invited by registered letter to attend a hearing to offer an explanation for their behaviour.

Article 9 

The membership fee will be fixed annually by the committee in line with membership of the FFRP . National, regional, departmental and communal grants and any other grants or resources as are authorised by law may be sought.

Article 10 

There will be a minimum of 5 committee members, elected on a rolling basis for five years at the AGM (The five year period will start at the AGM 2024). Members may be re elected. At the AGM of 2024 all of the existing committee will stand for re election.

The committee will consist of:

In case of vacancies, replacement members may be co opted until the next AGM when the vacancy will be filled permanently. The person elected to this vacancy will serve the remainder of the original term of office 

Article 11 

There will be a minimum of one committee meeting each six months either called by the chairman or by at least a quarter of the committee’s membership

Article 12 

The Annual General Meeting will be open to all members and will be held each year on a date defined in the Association’s rules. 14 days notice will be given of the meeting to each member and the agenda will be issued with the notice

Article 13 

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held as needed or if half the members plus one request it. The Chairperson will chair the meeting and it will follow the formalities as stated in article 12

Article 14 

Internal governing rules will be drafted by the committee and agreed by a general meeting. This document is designed to cover those points not covered by law and will principally concern the internal administration of the association.

Article 15 

Dissolution of the organisation will be agreed by a majority of two thirds of members present at a general meeting. One or more liquidators will be appointed nominated by those present at the general meeting if required and in conformity with article 9 of the Law of 1st July 1901 which became ratified on 16 August 1901.